What does DKG stand for?
The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International, founded in
Austin, Texas, May 11, 1929, is an educational, honor, professional organization for women educators. The name is a combination of the initial letters of three Greek words:
Διδασκοτικι (dĭ des kō' tee ki') = teacher
Κλειδουχι (klĭ doo' kī) = key
Γυναικεσ (gee nī' kāys) = women
The word "Society" designates the comprehensive international organization. The terms "state" and "state organization" designate states, territories, provinces and comparable political
divisions in countries where the Society is organized.
Austin, Texas, May 11, 1929, is an educational, honor, professional organization for women educators. The name is a combination of the initial letters of three Greek words:
Διδασκοτικι (dĭ des kō' tee ki') = teacher
Κλειδουχι (klĭ doo' kī) = key
Γυναικεσ (gee nī' kāys) = women
The word "Society" designates the comprehensive international organization. The terms "state" and "state organization" designate states, territories, provinces and comparable political
divisions in countries where the Society is organized.
The Key Pin
The key* is the official symbol of The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International. The wreath represents individual achievements by our members. The Greek logo represents Woman Key Teacher, but is read Delta Kappa Gamma. The Cup of Knowledge signifies the academic accomplishments of the individual member. The ellipse shaped body is symbolic of the sisterhood, and the closed oval the bond that never ends.
*The key is to be worn over your heart and if worn with other pins, it needs to always be above all others indicating its importance and meaning to DKG.
*The key is to be worn over your heart and if worn with other pins, it needs to always be above all others indicating its importance and meaning to DKG.
Coat of Arms
The body of the crest has a golden sash running diagonally with three Tudor Roses representing friendship, trustworthiness, and leadership. The flaming lamp represents scholarship, while the open book symbolizes knowledge. The laurel branches symbolize inspiration and achievement. The ribbon beneath the body of the Coat of Arms has Greek wording for Delta Kappa Gamma. The color crimson is for courage and gold is for loyalty.